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“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” – Nietzsche

More about Harsh

In simple terms, those who pursue extraordinary goals, which may seem unattainable, often appear alienated or even incomprehensible to those who cannot relate to or understand these ambitions.

At ACE I tinker with the modern AI capabilities to bridge the gap between idea and execution. My current focus is to make synergistic AI systems with the consulting team to simplify the financial tower a bit.

A good conversation, productive work sessions and nice walks energise me instantly. My proudest moment was when I was a working student. I was alone in a complex project that leveraged advanced AI systems to extract insights from a complex storage format. After months of relentless effort and collaboration, breakthrough was achieved one afternoon. The excitement I felt was profound—it reinforced my belief in the power of innovation to overcome challenging technological hurdles.

In my spare time I love playing sports – Table tennis, badminton, swimming, football and more. Also, reading books, cooking , travel – the usual stuff.

Harsh in short

  • Previous: Game developer
  • Expertise: Implementing AI & data solutions
  • Education: Masters in AI

Strategic thinker. Resillient. Adaptive.