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Navigating Pension Reform Whitepaper

Pension reform is officially here. To help our clients and peers, we will soon publish a whitepaper using our collective expertise in regulatory change, our vast experience in project management, and input from senior members of various pension boards to help make this unprecedented transformation as easy as possible.

  • We understand that pension boards don’t often function in the face of such large transformations with uncertainty, precisely what they will need to do to comply.
  • We understand that they frequently don’t have full-time and expertise capabilities that are needed for such a demanding program.
  • We understand that to comply; they will need guidance and support to make educated and timely decisions with a clear roadmap and communication with precision and the right amount of transparency to their stakeholders.

We understand how to help.

Navigating the Challenges

The pension world is complex, and this change is the most significant to date. There is still a large amount of uncertainty, but this doesn’t mean you can wait until everything is crystal clear to act. If you wait, it will be too late. In our whitepaper, we explore different routes to compliance with a controlled and structured approach that can be tailored to individual boards’ needs. By making clear roadmaps, you can see the impact of decisions more clearly, and interdependencies become clearer. By bringing in outside help that specializes in making progress despite uncertainty, you’ll be able to stay ahead of deadlines.

Getting Support

Pension fund boards are simply not built for quick changes with uncertainties. The very nature of pension boards is operating at part-time capacity within known boundaries while keeping risks low and stakeholders happy. To comply, you’re going to need help. In our whitepaper, we discuss what kind of support would suit this transition best, which IT solutions will be most effective, and which management elements would best complement these efforts. The last thing your board needs is to be attempting to manage the project themselves while also being responsible for everything else.

Communication is Key

For the most hassle-free compliance journey, you’re going to need excellent communication, and for that, you’re going to need an excellent communication plan. Getting everyone involved on the same page will be vital in creating harmony during your efforts. In our whitepaper, we discuss the importance of soothing your stakeholders’ nerves and ways to balance transparency while keeping message alignment. There will be many concerns and questions coming your way; this means you’ll need a clear and robust communication plan on day one.

Stay tuned for our white paper.

As always, thanks for reading, TEAM ACE