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Diversity and Inclusion

Having a diverse and inclusive workplace for any business only leads to a happier and healthier work environment for everyone. And naturally, a healthier workplace leads to a more comfortable and more productive one. ACE has always been a welcome place to people of all races, creeds, and orientations. Still, recently, we have decided to do even better and commit to truly making it a part of our DNA by taking steps to ensure we’re as open as any company could be.

So how are we taking our commitment to diversity and inclusion to the next level?

We kick-started our efforts by having an open and honest talk about what diversity and inclusion meant to us. We established just about how important it is to our DNA. We’ve observed how our clients ensure their businesses are open to all employees.

We’re taking steps to ensure that diversity and inclusivity are in our framework, not just in our branding.

We’re currently participating in workshops to expose our hidden bias, the sub-conscience ones that we’re not even aware of – though they can be detrimental if not addressed and solved.

We have long celebrated our diversity, and our company is made of several unique nationalities, but we know we can do better. That’s why we’ve been reaching out to organizations that we feel are doing it right. But, there is always room to grow and improve! So, in the future, we hope to incorporate more best-practice elements into our daily work lives by conducting workshops and talks to continue educating, advocating, and creating a safe and friendly work environment for all.

If you have any questions about our ongoing efforts to establish a diverse and inclusive work environment, feel free to reach out.

As always, thanks for reading,