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RegTech in Motion: Introducing ACT

October 28, 2020

RegTech in Motion: Introducing ACT

It’s no secret that RegTech is changing the way our industry operates. In fact, these days, it seems the term “RegTech” is absolutely everywhere – is it more than a buzzword or a superficial trend? We think not. And if you’re too afraid to ask, RegTech is simply short for Regulatory Technology, and it’s very much having its moment right now, making a significant impact on the world of regulatory monitoring, reporting, and compliance. With innovation (a fundamental principle within our company) and IT being close to our hearts, developing a cutting-edge RegTech capability of our own only made sense, and we have been able to use our collective experience and expertise to inform and shape an exciting menu of services.

Introducing ACT

ACT is our new branch within ACE that develops, houses, and executes our RegTech services and solutions. ACT was created to minimize consultancy costs, provide transparency, control, and easier reporting capabilities for managers, and to help create sustainable, institutionalized processes within companies.

We focus on Regtech on three distinct levels:

1.Turning Data into Regulatory Intelligence

Cross-track dependencies are difficult to track, and sometimes a roadmap view is hard to obtain. Frequently, policy controls aren’t embedded into initiatives that are easily measured, and it can be difficult to clearly view how initiatives are coming together to jointly support regulatory milestones. On top of this, executive boards often find it challenging to be proactive and steer programs with strategic decision-making because the data they need simply isn’t there, or it’s lost in the noise. With our range of services, we aim to make these headaches far less painful.

We make it easy to navigate the regulatory change lifecycle by giving you the core information you need to make pragmatic decisions while leaving a sustainable frame-work for you that continues to deliver value over time – it’s a living – not a one-off solution. Through our existing (or custom-developed) dashboards, you can easily see all of your regulatory programs, their statuses, and their interdependencies – across the entire regulatory change lifecycle. You’ll have all the critical data points only, visually presented to you in a concise and easy-to-understand way. It gives insight across your regulatory lifecycle in a series of interactive, linked, and data-driven dashboards every month. Best of all, we provide this as a service called RISe (Regulatory Intelligence as a Service) – we understand that sometimes you just want something delivered for you, with no fuss – that is our objective with RISe.

Alongside the executive oversight provided by RISe, we know it can be challenging to see how underlying projects, systems, architectural components, and data clusters need to combine over time to support the regulatory deadlines. To help, we’ve developed a next-level Regulatory Roadmap (Reg Roadmap 2.0), which links your high-level regulatory milestones with detailed architectural and data components. This way, you can easily see which systems and components need to be in place to support programs and ensure deadlines are met. The best part? It does all this and shows it to you in a visual, user-friendly way that all comes together to ultimately help you make informed choices.

2. Optimising Regulatory Portfolio Monitoring and Reporting

ACT can help you optimise your manually-intensive reporting operations by creating customised flows from source (human or system) through to report generation, taking what is a time consuming, non-data driven approach and replacing this with an assisted service. In doing so, we free our clients from the data gathering grind and allow them to focus on the actionable insight provided instead. Not only do we help with the task of joining disparate data into unified reporting, but we ensure the reporting is trackable over time so you can observe critical performance trends.

3. Innovation and Bespoke Solutions

While we’re excited about our own roadmap of services that we’ll be developing in 2021, we also love developing bespoke solutions for our clients. If you have a specific challenge or goal that touches the regulatory lifecycle, we can work with you to deliver the right-sized solution. Whether this is bringing together complex information and presenting it in a maintainable, understandable fashion or optimising inefficient data gathering and reporting processes, we want to help and help quickly.

Throughout all of the above levels, we bring our signature personalised approach. We understand and appreciate that every organization is different and work in small, adaptable teams. We bring increased control, transparency, and predictability to our clients’ regulatory lifecycle change management.

If you want to learn more about how RegTech, ACT, RiSe, or ACE, in general, can improve your regulatory change management capability, get in touch.

As always, thanks for reading,