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Introducing the Sustainable Finance Regulations Forum

On November 11th, ACE is organizing its very first Finance Regulations Forum. This small, curated group session consists of senior industry peers invited to discuss the topic of sustainable finance regulations, in a non-competitive environment. The forum follows the tradition set by our existing Regulatory Change Forum, which we organize on a periodic basis with the four systemic important banks in the Netherlands.

Objectives of the Forum

Sustainable finance regulations are becoming more pressing. New additions, such as the Recent European Climate Law, shift European Green Deal targets towards legal obligations. Sustainability and, in particular, sustainability risks, are significant topics for national and European supervisors.

For example, as the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group moves closer to creating new draft standards, there is much for financial institutions to discuss. Different viewpoints, such as whether the new standards are simply to be treated as “more legislation”, or as a step in business alignment with sustainability goals, remain.

The primary objective of this forum is to discuss and exchange challenges and best practices in sustainable finance regulations. Our goal is to discuss these challenges on a quarterly basis, so that we may share insights into new legislation as it becomes relevant and pressing.


The Sustainable Financial Regulations Forum comprises a small group of senior representatives from leading financial institutions in the Netherlands. Invites have been sent, participants have committed to attending, and we are looking forward to hosting our first meeting!

The Role of Sustainability Reporting Now and in the Future

Our first meeting agenda covers the role of Sustainable Reporting now and as we move forward. Our goal is to specifically discuss ECBs feedback on the Climate and Environmental Risk GAP analysis and implementation roadmap, in the broader context of SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) and CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and ECB Climate Stress Test in 2022.

At ACE, we are passionate about sustainability, and we’re ready to help our client’s future-proof policies, so you stay in control even as you navigate complex changes to reporting. If you have questions or would like to discuss these regulatory changes, or offer your own insights, please, reach out.