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ACE+ Company is Hiring

Is your next role with us?

ACE+ Company has been growing rapidly over the last few years – with 2021 seeing us take on 9 new colleagues and 4 new clients. That success has been pushed by our commitment to delivering excellence for our clients and their satisfaction in our work. That’s resulted in an increasing presence and industry recognition – as well as our expansion to sustainability regulation and our new company structure of ACE Management Consulting, ATOMIC Interim Professionals, and ACT RegTech Solutions.

That growth also means we are now in a position to grow our internal teams – which is why we’ve launched a recruitment campaign.

Our teams consist of vibrant, delivery-focused professionals with various nationalities and backgrounds. The campaign, which is being run by our director Ernst-Jan Mante, is aimed at both making immediate hires as well as showcasing ACE+ Company as a longer-term option for intermediate candidates looking to move up as they move out of existing roles. With our informal organization, our team members each have the opportunity to take on as much responsibility as they want – from working on innovative and creative new products to engaging new clients, to implementing and overseeing projects long-term. We believe that diversity and flexibility makes ACE+ Company a strong next step for consultants who want to broaden their career path.

ACE+ Company as the next step in your career

ACE+ Company is growing, and we don’t expect that to slow in the near future. With that aim, part of our recruitment campaign is designed to attract potential future candidates – who might want to stay in their current roles for the time being and move to ACE+ Company as they want to move up into more senior roles. We are also hiring for roles now. We’re open to starting conversations with potential candidates, who want to switch roles and move into a more senior position. We’re looking for hires across all three of our sister companies.

ACE – ACE is looking to hire intermediate and senior specialists in consultancy, management, business analysis, and leadership in the fields of change management, financial risk, sustainable risk, and compliance. Our hope is to expand our pool of candidates so that we can continue to meet demand as we take on new clients – while giving intermediate candidates the chance to broaden their career and step up into a fast-growing company working with international clients. As a change consultant, you get room for entrepreneurship, leadership and personal growth.

ACT – ACT is hiring data scientists and specialists with experience in RegTech. ACT is a vibrant, delivery-focused team who live, eat, and breathe data and technology. We are aiming for specialists with a mix of data science and software engineering skill sets, who can eagerly and rapidly tackle complex challenges for our clients.

ATOMIC – ATOMIC Interim Professionals is hiring people looking to move from senior roles to freelancing and consultancy. This will allow you to step into a role as a freelancer, with a network to help you connect to organizations and find work – while giving you the freedom to leverage vast experience to help diverse (inter)national companies.

Currently, our recruitment campaign includes a multi-part ad campaign across LinkedIn. However, you can always contact us to start a direct conversation if you’re looking for the next step in your career.

If you want to talk or have further questions, feel free to get in touch.

Thanks for reading

Team ACE